Time's Up.
With every lifestyle blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.
{Song for Post: The Ruler's Back by Jay-Z}
No going around it.
It was time to bite the bullet.
I was turning 22. A new age of man, new challenges new opportunities, new experiences, and new consequences are all left up to me. I decided to showcase a bit of showmanship and treat myself with an early birthday present. A new ESSENTIALS set and a photoshoot to express to the world (and my ego) exactly who I am.
We started with a wide shot captured on a 45mm kit lens, sitting on a tripod stand.
This was the first outcome, not too shabby but not quite what I was looking for.
When I shoot photographs, I like to think of each picture as a moment in time. What does this moment tell me or express to outsiders about my surroundings or the essence of what I'm looking to capture?
I saw the potential however it challenged me to think differently, finally, I felt the scene needed a change of perspective.
So I switched the lens over to a 50mm, readjusted the tripod, and put some music on. The model in me came out a bit, and these moments captured were real points in time.
Have you ever had a photoshoot or other act of art with yourself?
Email me and let me know how it went!
All photos taken were shot on top of Patterson Pass, a spot locals call "Top of The World". There were countless people driving by, honking and shouting a majority of phrases, mostly positive. Nevertheless, the point in sharing this detail is to encourage all not to worry about exterior opinions, if you're passionate about something or have a goal that seems taboo, go for it. Give it all you got. The ones who support you will no matter what, and the ones who don't their opinions become vastly irrelevant so it's all good.
I was very nervous about this shoot. Overanalyzing, and stressing about elements out of my control. Now when I look back I just see awesome moments I have forever. I suppose the point I'm attempting to illustrate is to try not to stress, it's all going to be okay in the end, anyway.
Happy Birthday to Me.
Big shout out to the baby sis'! Always lending a helping hand and being the coolest cat around, love you!