And experienced.
With every lifestyle blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.
{Song for Post: Are You Experienced by Jimi Hendrix}
For my birthday this year I decided to challenge the idea of what you might call a traditional celebration. After a conversation with my mother, speaking on the topic of how to celebrate my life, I came to an epiphany. Why don't I do just that?
No spending necessary, no grand gesture, just being happy, about being alive. Whoever wants to come and spend the greatest commodity we have (time) together was welcomed but not expected. It was a wild experiment to try, not going to lie but honestly it was everything I could've ever wanted and more, for so many reasons.
You see, I typically travel for my birthday. In the past few years I've had the good fortune of seeing incredible places like New Orleans, New York City, and Bali Indonesia to say the least. Last year I switched it up and gave myself possessions and documentation of memories (simply put, clothes and a photoshoot) in hopes to capture (what I thought was) the essence of what a "birthday" was supposed to be, self-celebration. If you would like to read about what I was thinking a year ago click here.
This year I wanted to celebrate the one's involved with my birth along with any and all who wished to show me love and chose to contribute energy.
Of course my mother was on that list (birthing me and all) next came me, and thanking myself for my journey, my trials and tribulations, and for everything I'd ever accomplished in my 23 year run. Finally it came time for all my loved ones to feel the glory. Friends, family, and the ones who gave a bit more to make me feel extra special on my one day, you are truly appreciated and loved, thank you for trying, when no one asked you too.
As my date is November 27th, I wasn't the only one that needed celebration, I chose to give praise to my older twins out there.
Starting with Jimi Hendrix.
You guessed it, if you haven't read my Author post yet, spoiler alert. I share a birthday with multiple legends, one being Johnny Allen Hendrix, a.k.a Jimi Hendrix.
It was only right the song of the post would be his, Happy Birthday Jimi thanks for being you and letting it show through your art, you are appreciated.
Oh but we're not done yet.
Bruce Lee, born Lee Jun-Fan was a lifelong mentor turned expectation on my 23rd birthday. I studied his life's mission, fighting style, but most of all his philosophy on what it meant to truly live your life.
Bruce said "Be like water." For a while I thought it meant be fluid and be at peace with the flow of life. I recently learned it could mean a multiple of things. My new favorite translation of the quote is more metaphoric.
"If you're like water you're necessary for life, you're beautiful when your calm, and your destructive when you're overwhelmed."-A Wise Man
Bruce, I try to implement your teachings daily and your disciple momentarily, it's easier to rule a city than rule oneself so I choose to start now.
It felt amazing getting these shots, and paying homage to the greats in my own way.
Happy Birthday Bruce, your legacy is inspiration, and we honor your work and name on this day.
Whether it's Jimi's creativity or Bruce's wisdom I like to think I'll constantly grow to understand the greatest minds on Earth more and more, learning from their mistakes and taking away values from their achievements, so that I can better my life everyday.
The one thing I chose to give myself this year was clothing, a bit similar to last year but this time it would be my own. That's right ladies, gentlemen, and my non-binary souls, the clothing you see in these photos is 100% custom and its just the start.
You see, New Genre Art will be making its mark on the fashion world soon and so I thought for my birthday (if I could help it) I would be the first customer of my own craft.
I didn't want to wear anyone els' brand on my day (capitalism and all) so I tried my skills out as a designer for the first time and this was the result.
What do you think?
I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy for my memories, I'm happy for my strengths and weaknesses, but most of all I'm happy I know how to be happy. This is what I think living life is all about.
Happy Birthday Brandon, just a kid from Cali. You're going to shake up this world, keep going, love you, always.
-Brandon H
"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10