A loss ain't a loss, it's a lesson. Appreciate the pain, it's a blessing'.
With every lifestyle blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.
{Song for Post: Smile by Jay-Z}
Well I'm 24 now.
I left my Jordan year and dove right into Kobe, and I'm so much older than I thought I'd be.
To be honest I've learned more about life in these past three years about myself than I ever have before. How to take personal responsibility for all my highs and lows, and how to hear and see God clearly.
I learned life is exactly what you make from it and perspective can save or kill you.
This year I finished a humble trilogy concept for my birthday. If you care to read more about this click here (22) and here (23).
Again no trip, no grand party, but I did gift myself something pretty special..

Yes indeed, my own studio.
In my opinion when God gives you vision, you should pray, prepare, and use the strength you have to make it come true.
What was even more miraculous was the way it came into my life.
It all started with just helping family out.
My incredible Tio Zeke needed a hand cleaning out his garage one day and as a fellow O.C.D. clean freak I was happy to oblige.
While we were cleaning I was explaining to my uncle that I was looking for a studio to rent in town to have my own space to create content.
He asked, "Why don't you just do it here?"
To which I replied, "Okay."
It started off small..
Just a corner space in the front left side of his new prestige garage.
Shout out to this man.
As we continued to rearrange items and occupy space in my new studio an idea developed in both of our minds, lets make it bigger.
The expirence activated a true entrepreneurial spirit in us both, making something out of nothing, together.
We managed to double the space, double the assets involved which in turn doubled our creativity until one day my Tio came up with an overall theme.
He asked me if I ever hear of the cloud ceiling trend on Tik Tok, I was very confused at first but equally excited. After reviewing and deciding, we put a game plan together and got to work.
My Tio helped with what he could but of course he had more pressing matters that required his attention on the regular so It was up to me to attribute to the greateness of what this studio could be.
Three weeks later, over ten store runs, blood, sweat and tears, it was ready.
After it was finished we had a few materials left so we felt it only right to have a little fun.
Moral of the story don't give up, trust me if you are passionate about something give it all it requires and if it's meant to be yours it will be.
Happy Birthday to me.