

Q. What Happens When you Mix Imagination with Discipline?

A. You get an Author.

Brandon Henriquez came to earth on November 27th around the end of the 1990's. Sharing a birthday with legends the likes of Johnny Hendrix(a.k.a Jimi)and Lee Jun-Fan(a.k.a Bruce Lee). Brandon considers his spirit the cross creation between both legends.

"Ambition like Jordan"

Born of an immigrant mother and a gangbanging father, Brandon was statistically likely to fail at every turn yet, persevered nonetheless. Facing obstacles such as unstable living conditions, public poverty, and "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder". Brandon quickly learned traditional values and how to manage the idealism of only seeing the cup half full in life.

(Some people don’t or have never even had a cup)

"Tremble i'm 3"

Brandon never met his biological father, so his mother went on to raise him alone. Things would change again only three years later as she would marry his step-father in order to construct a healthier lifestyle for them all(his step-father also needed a green card).

"Corduroy Dreams"

From an early age, Brandon expressed interest in theatrical arts, religion, and family values. A blueprint to accompany his whole life as he sought to discover the secrets to the universe, what's worth getting out of bed in the morning, or rather if sleeping at night was even necessary.

"Pull Up your Pants"

The firstborn out of fourteen grandchildren, Brandon's first priority was to break a generational curse and graduate high school on time. He succeeded, and his grandfather(abuelito)was present to bear witness before his early passing.

[F.Y.I.] His grandfather came to America with nothing but a pregnant wife and no knowledge of English but persevered to live a happy, and blessed life. This day meant something to everyone, and this was a big moment.

"A Kid from Cali"

Since the tassle had been turned, Brandon took to travel and adventure as his next endeavor, and in 5 beautiful years, he's proud to say he's experienced life and the world(not only more than any of his family members but)a considerable more than the general populate. From monkey forests in Bali Indonesia to Broadway productions in New York City, back to music festivals in Las Vegas, and fast-forwarding to "toes in the water" dinners in Aruba. Brandon only considers this the beginning.

Thus New Genre Art was born. Brandon has created this media company to further share lessons, spread positivity, and explore the inspiration for any and all looking to contribute something new.

"Louis V my Momma couldn't get through to Me"
"East? I thought u said Weast"
"Little Wendy"
"Turned 20 in NY tattoo"
"Kodak Moment"
"Minor Upgrade"

"I believe you can be everything and anything you've ever wanted to be in this world.

I'm not there yet, but best believe I'm on the right path."



If you care to follow Brandon on any social media click the following links.

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

Brandon Henriquez