Founded by Brandon Henriquez
New Genre Art is innovation at its highest and purest form because inspiration isn't complicated. Using design, media, and communication, New Genre Art is committed to contributing positive, non-biased, content, and products to the world. Our goal is to further conversations, activism, and opportunity for the next innovator, entrepreneur, or storyteller. Our purpose is to engage all audiences to create a cooperative spark that would help ongoing generations for years to come.

Brandon Henriquez was a mere twenty years old when he decided to follow his dreams and relocate from the west coast to the east, in pursuit of education and a career path in film. He had his eyes set on New York City and was prepared to sell all his belongings and start fresh for the new year. Although 2020 came with many surprises COVID-19, had unfortunately shut down all campuses, and conventional jobs shifted the transition from difficult to impossible. Brandon was heartbroken as he felt his time for self-investment had been stripped away and his goals and dreams had gone from real-time reality to certain fantasy. As the world attempted to navigate this horrible disease the year continued, and by the time Brandon had turned twenty-one, he decided to start on a new investment. New Genre Art, the company he didn't feel he was qualified to have or start. After fear comes exploration and with enough trial and error results appear. Brandon is now the full-time C.E.O. of New Genre Art and has only scratched the surface of the company's impact.
New Genre Art is currently offering a myriad of services, for more information click here.