A super fun-difference feline.
With every photography blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.
{Song for Post: Best Day Ever by Mac Miller} ((Music Video Version))

This is Rajah, my son.
A survivor of common streets, Rajah was saved by his parents around the age of one and named after the tiger in Aladdin. Being brittle, blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, and having a neurological disorder, you would think it all would be enough to slow down this curious cat.
Not at all.
Rajah has continued his life as he's seen fit, traveling the world getting into trouble, and staying golden every second of every day.
This day in particular was a lazy day for both the boys, so I decided to take full advantage of this blessing in his natural habitat.
These are the results please, enjoy.
Q. What makes a parent feel better than spending time with their gift and capturing moments in the process?
A. Making another one..