Lot 49

Lot 49

A Band born from the Bay.

With every photography blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.

{Song for Post: I'd Like to Know by Lot 49}

Lot 49

Following these incredible artists, the past three months have been nothing short of amazing. From sound to performance, these musicians take their art to new heights each time.

The timing alined perfectly for me to be able to capture the times during an awesome set.

All photographs were taken during a live performance, enjoy.

"A Band from the Bay"
"Are we Ready?"
"Abstract Planes"
"Collision Course"
"Shades of Blue"
"Big Bass"
"Movie Scene"
"Movie Poster"
"Long Haul"
"Captured on the Corner"
"Tune Master"
"Gods Guitar"
"Cloud 30"
"Lot 49"

After the set, the band surprised the audience in attendence with a new song featuring Kruel Summer.

Here are some more moments with the band from the bay.

"Back in Black"
"Nights End"

Brandon Henriquez