It means the same thing in English or Spanish.
With every lifestyle blog, there will be a featured song contributing to the curation of the atmosphere of said post. Be sure to tune in while reading or listen and view the images after as part of the experience.
{Song for Post: Solo by Frank Ocean}
Welcome, to the first lifestyle blog of New Genre Art.
This type of writing aims to inform, inspire, and share experiences. Think of it as lessons, blessings, challenges, and discoveries along the way of life that I care to share.
I used to love to write.
I always thought of it as the art of expressing emotion, ideas, and even stories on paper. Using words to convey an atmosphere that isn’t physical is talent. As humans, we've found new ways to communicate with each other since we could form thoughts, and so I believe it important to contribute to traditions.
My advice, talk about everything. Say it out loud. A lot of time we lend power to words because we fear a reality where certain words become actual fact and not fiction. This I consider false fear or overthinking.
Here are some words to help in that situation that are true and relevant to today, "this too shall pass". Read that again.
So without further ado here's a peak behind the curtain of who, what, and most importantly why I am.
My first lesson was the most ironic, the attempt to comprehend a highly foreign concept, growing up. I say this because how the hell does one figure out if you’re doing what you're "supposed" to be doing as you grow older and wiser? Some of us don't have all the answers presented to us, others don't bother asking any questions.
Then I began to seriously think, I believe the point is to be wiser.
As people, we can't really predict, expect, or even begin to understand everything that is presented in life, but we can choose how and why to learn from it. A wise man once said, "It's not about where you come from, it's about where you are going." I agree.
So backstory..a six-year relationship tragically ended, a new space to make a home, and eight months figuring out where one exists between the ages of 21-22. I thought it’d be best to learn a new skill, invest in a passion, gain education, and strategize a game plan. The rest you'll read is history in the making and I thank you for your interest and time, I understand it's your most valuable commodity.
Enjoy and please let me know if you learn anything, Godspeed.
It was a dark and gloomy summer day and I didn't want to be inside. The weather mirrored how I was feeling so I chose to immerse myself in the open. I was experiencing an array of emotions from life as it had just shifted drastically, and interestingly enough I felt like creating. I had my camera and just picked up the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, so I called my sister up for some company and we were off. We hit train tracks, streets, and anywhere near that held an angle. Everything ended up fitting the mood. We weren't trying to capture anything specific, just document the passing moments.
These are the results.