

Here at New Genre Art we offer a chance to establish a closer connection with each individual soul through a subscription process. With a multitude of options, everyone can pick their personal route into getting closer with New Genre Art.

Through the subscription process we offer three different paths to getting your journey started.

  1. A Free Trial Period Subscription (24hours)
  2. A Monthly Paid Membership (1 Euro)
  3. A Yearly Paid Membership (2 Euros)

As a Subscriber you will receive,

  1. First looks at weekly blogs and posts through an email newsletter
  2. Access to "Subscriber Only" posts
  3. A 33% discount on New Genre Art merchandise and clothing
  4. A great feeling for supporting a brand and simple man just trying to contribute back to the world


  1. Simply click the black avatar in the right hand corner and put in your info!

When you sign up!

  1. Please make sure to CHECK YOUR EMAIL and CONFIRM you want to join the family, we'd be honored to have you
  2. Really do give yourself a pat on the back for helping us change the course of life for the better, we love you and thank you